
Such a sweet godsend as Eurydice
As he brought me the heaven's key

I reached the sky and played the Lyre
And let this beautiful Nymph admire

With the music i used for coaxing
The love drifted along with its chinks

I didn't want to sail
Dropped the Argonauts a hail

Went to discover the Golden Fleece
I'd rather find him in the mist

Seduced the underworld with tones
Lifted him up from Hades and Persephone

Inpatience was what i regret the most
I could not retake the fortune i lost

Sinking down into despair
Since he would no more be there

Torn in the hands of Maenads'
What's remained was only head

My singing head floated down the river
Let me be recalled as a lover

Came to rest on the isle of Lesbos
The star of my harp would be seen to the entire cosmos


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