
I'm missing you so much
I think about you all the time
Wish to dream of you every night

Talk as if you were beside me
Smile as if I smiled at you
Cry as if I lost you
and I guess I'm getting insane dealing with situation like this

I really need you

I can't imagine what my next 5 years (even more ) would gonna be if I only have chance to see you once a year?
But I completely realize
That you or me can't do anything much to solve this matter

I am hoping
You are hoping
We are hoping

I am wishing
You are wishing
We are wishing

Well I'm about to lose my sanity
No doubt about it

How I really love you causing how I really miss you
How I really miss you causing how suffer I am

I love you..
Would probably be the most sincere closure
Wish I could really kiss you

::kiki tsalatsita::


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